Friday, May 1, 2015

The Final Countdown....

Went for my chemo consult today at TBCC (Tom Baker Cancer Clinic) and it looks as though the start date of my chemotherapy start Thursday May 7th. In a way I am excited, which I know is weird. I want to start treatment and get it over with sooner than later! I am NOT looking forward to losing my hair agin..but the thought of not shaving for the next 2-3 months is kind of a bonus!

My chemo cocktail with consist of Paclitaxel (the lovely drug that makes me lose my hair), Carboplatin and a new one add to the mix this go around, Bevacizumab.

I have been prescribed Aprepitant for the nausea which works AMAZINGLY as long as you take it BEFORE the nausea begins. Once the nausea starts, it is pretty impossible to get under control. So this is an important one!
Another drug I have to take is Dexamethasone which is a corticosteroid that prevents inflammation and allergic reactions.
Next on the list of goodies is Granisetron. This is also used to prevent nausea and vomiting. VERY IMPORTANT! Nobody likes a puker!
Last but not least is Metoclopramide. This is used to treat certain types of stomach problems that can arise during chemo treatment. It helps move things along in your stomach, increases your appetite, helps with heartburn and of course, helps with nausea. I think you can see the common theme do NOT want to get nausea!

My last three treatments of chemo were the exact same except for the new addition of Bevacizumab so I am pretty confident that I know what I will feel like. I never had any issues with nausea and I believe it really has to do with staying on top of the meds they give me.
6 sleeps to go and the torture/healing begins....

PS: Had poke #2 today..I am going to keep track this go around of how many pokes I get...

My home away from home

Poke #2

Some light reading in the "Welcome to chemo!" package they give you

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