Thursday, May 7, 2015

Port time... Would have preferred the drink instead! 

On Tuesday, my wonderful friend JM drove me to the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of town to the new South Calgary Hospital to get my port installed. Beautiful hospital, felt like I was in a scene from Grey's Anatomy minus McDreamy and McSteamy. I didn't even have a chance to sit down before I was called to the next room and had an iv put in. Within minutes I was walking into the surgery room and being prepped for the port. The room was so state of the art! 
I didn't need to be put fully under but they gave me enough drugs to calm my nerves and make me feel nothing. Always a good time to be high as a kite under doctors supervision! Within 15 min.. I think.. It was over and I was in recovery where I sat for two hours. I was in at 830 and out by 11:15am. 

Now what exactly is a port you ask? 
Well since I have little to none veins, a port is inserted into my chest and a line is fed up to my collar bone through a vein and down near my heart. Basically now when I get chemo they just puncture the spot where the port is under my skin and voila! Ready to rock and roll! 
The first few days have been tough, sore.. But we'll worth it! Once completely healed I will be able to swim and not worry about infection because it is completely sealed under my chest. 
I love all these awesome new techniques that I get to experience. Painful or not, it pretty amazing what can be done! 
Ps: I'm up to 3 needle pokes :) 

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