Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Time for an update on the old Bloggity Blog!

For starters, yes I have been lacking in the update department on here. During the week of chemo I am pretty much dead to the world and am barely awake enough to even make my way out of my house.
Chemo weeks SUCKS. SUCKS SUCK SUCKS!! The first two days are pretty non eventful and are easy to handle and I fool myself each time thinking "Hmmm maybe I won't be sick this time!" And then..BABAM!!! It hits me like a Mac truck. Down for the count!
Sleep becomes your closest and dearest friend...well that and also all those wonderful anti-nausea meds they send you home with!
 By day three the taste buds decide that this sucks and they peace out.
Food has no flavor, coffee is disgusting and freezie pops are the greatest thing ever!
Daytime TV becomes your life. Just an FYI..Deja View shows old Roseanne episodes at 10:00am and 10:30am Monday to Friday and a marathon Saturday!

Days four and five and six...well you pretty much feel like nothing could be worse! You already tell yourself that you are NEVER doing chemo ever again...fuck it!
You shuffle around the house, haven't touched makeup in almost a week and feel like death. You feel so shitty at one point that you are told to go to emergency and get pumped with fluids. You do and it makes you feel so much better! Like a deflated balloon getting filled back up with air!
(Shout out to my awesome nurse at Foothills, Candice!!!!)

Up to six pokes now! 

Day seven....something magical happens...you wake up and you suddenly feel a bit better...you don't want to jinx it though, so you take it easy...you put on some war paint (makeup) and make a small attempt to go to the store for some food with flavor..cause guess what!? The mini vacation your taste buds were taking have decided to come back home! Food taste real again!

By Day eight, things are definitely on the up and up! You still feel wonky because all you have been doing for the past week is sleep. You're not totally sure if you're still sick or just over tired. You then decide, HEY, that wasn't TOTALLY horrible...it's only total hell for one week. You can do this!

Life gets back to normal and you feel like yourself again! Your energy is back, the color in your face has turned from green back to a nice Italian olive color and your spirits are back up to where they were before this all started!

I came to the realization that I can't do the seven to eight day hell here. I want to be back home with family. Yes I have dogs, but Rocco still hasn't gotten his licence so getting to and from the store for gingerale is difficult.
I am doing my next treatment on May 28 and will be flying to my mom's the next day.
Relaxing in Oliver BC, with her and her dogs and cats will be better and will make this next round of chemo definitely a lot more bearable!
It will be two weeks this Thursday as to when I had my first round of chemo and if memory serves me correctly, I started to lose my hair exactly two weeks to the day last go around last year. So I was proactive this year and shaved my head before it started to fall out. To be quite honest, having hair is a really pain some times! Not having hair saves me about twenty minutes every day and saves me money on products :)

After feeling back to my normal self, I decided that I needed to get out of the damn house!
The long weekend was coming up and hanging out with my awesome group of friends made me feel AMAZING!
Shout out to J.M.Bertolli for taking the plunge and shaving his head too :)

Being around such a positive, supportive and HILARIOUS group of friends really makes you realize how lucky you are and how seven days of hell really isn't the end of the world and you aren't in it alone, amazing people are there for you and care and that is the best feeling in the world!

PS: I met some awesome Drag Queens this past weekend! I am in AWE of them and what they do and how fucking amazing they look! Their make up, their hair, their style! So much fun!!!